So even though re-entry is now in full swing, I've decided to keep my little travel blog up and running. Because one of the most important things I've learned from leaving the United States is how great the United States really is for adventuring and exploring. In fact, toward the end of my stay in France, I was talking about Michigan in a way that probably gave my friends the impression that it's one of the world's great undiscovered jewels of natural beauty and charm. Which in a lot of ways, it really is. And just to show you how much I've grown to appreciate my country, 'tis of thee, I'm going to put up a few pictures of my American explorations so far this summer. As ridiculous as it sounds, I've already swum at both the Pacific and Atlantic coasts since returning at the beginning of May, thanks to a week in L.A. and a long weekend road trip to a friend's wedding in South Carolina. Which...when you think about it...that's about as far apart as France is from Kazakhstan. What a ridiculous country we live in.

Venice Beach

Hollywood Hills

Gerald R. Ford Airport, Pure Michigan

Indiana, state with the inspiring motto "Crossroads of America"
What other country has an entire district devoted almost exclusively to government buildings? And phallic monuments?

Lost Colonies, Outer Banks, North Carolina

David Gritter's wedding, Table Rock State Park, South Carolina